Ozark is a portfolio theme designed for all types of creative websites. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.


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Halogen Software

Large SAAS application and web app

What is this?

Project 1

When Halogen decided to launch their first mobile application, UX was consulted from the beginning of the project (before market requirements) to help provide concepts and define core functionality that could easily be translated into a first release mobile app. The result was a simple application that fulfilled three key roles: The directory – to find and contact colleagues, feedback – to send and receive feedback items between colleagues, and goals – to view and update your personal goal status. I was involved in every step of the mobile app development, including early brainstorming of features, framework selection (native vs HTML5), workflow, feature definition, usability testing, prototypes, interaction design, and final production assets. In order to meet tight deadlines and provide a quality user experience, I even provided all Compass and Sass (CSS) styling directly in the application repository (checked in via Mercurial, and coded in Coda). This allowed development and design to run in parallel.

Project 2

Halogen’s marketing department had been requesting a way to share news and events with customers from the application. For one of my “Leonardo projects” (free time given to employees to work on personal projects), I revamped Halogen’s aging login screen with a more modern and user friendly design. I made the login touch friendly, as the application was moving towards tablet support. I removed unnecessary design elements, such as title bars, shadows, and radiating circles. I added two standard square banners for the marketing department’s use. The “forgot password” links are now more intelligent; The user is not shown the links until one unsuccessful login. I have found in my research and usability testing with this feature that users who click the password reset link will successfully guess their password almost 50% of the time. By hiding the link, users spend less time performing password resets. UX work on this project included task flow diagrams, high fidelity mockups, and interactive high fidelity prototypes used for internal usability testing. HTML, CSS and JS were used to build a working proof of concept in the actual application.

Project 3

Halogen proposed creating a new Org Chart feature. The new feature was to help organizations better understand their reporting structure and get a visual overview of hierarchy. Being involved early in the process (at the market requirements level) I proposed we use the opportunity to replace the current directory and manager views with an all-in-one org chart solution, maintaining all existing functionality (user search and filtering, talent profile views, and performance metrics) while enhancing the experience from a visual, navigation, and ease of use standpoint. UX work on this project included creating user scenarios (based on personas), task flow diagrams, low fidelity mockups, paper prototyping, high fidelity mockups, production asset creation and interactive high fidelity prototypes. I was also consulted on CSS in order to style the application as needed.

Who was this for?

With the Halogen talent management system — the only talent management software built from the ground up to drive higher performance — it’s easy to build a world-class workforce that is aligned and delivering on your business strategy.

All the modules in the cloud-based Halogen Talent Management Suite integrate fully and seamlessly, providing a consistent and intuitive experience for all users. Now you can have all the information you need right at your fingertips, at any point. Start by improving the way you manage employee performance, then gradually adopt best-practices for all your talent management programs.

  • Designer

    Andy Morris

  • Work on display

    Visual Design. Interaction Design. UX Design. Frontend UI Compass and Sass